
People on the Grow

As we engage in life together through teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer, miracles, radical generosity, and corporate worship. We spend time learning, celebrating, proclaiming the Good News, and supporting each other.

Small Groups

Bible Studies

Formation Classes

Small groups are a way of living out our purpose, both as individuals and as a collective group of believers—to be the church. We share a common foundation of faith and God has called us to live out the implications of that faith in a relational community, in the context that we call a small group.

Bible studies provide an opportunity to experience God's Word, to discuss and to learn from one another. We offer a number of different opportunites in this area throughout the year for all to participate in.

Sunday mornings provide yet another opportunity to grow in your faith with our Spiritual Formation classes that are available for ALL ages. No matter if you are a young person attending "Sunday School" or an adult looking for opportunities to grow and discuss a number of different topics we have them Sunday morning. Running Labor Day through Memorial Day we have opportunities available Sunday mornings starting at 8:30am.

Growth Opportunities

Womens Bible Study
   Bible Study

Meeting Info: Every other Saturday 9:00am, Mission House (see calendar)

There are many reasons to worry. And one Reason not to.

We live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don’t need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know what our bodies already know. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There’s plenty to worry about, and the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxieties.

But true peace comes when we learn to hold God’s Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can’t fix ourselves; we can’t protect ourselves. Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing that Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary places to rescue us and love us. He is the One who fixes. His is the only protection that matters.

Join Scarlet Hiltibidal in this 8-session study to learn how we can practically take hold of the perfect peace that is only available through God as we dive deeply into His Word, embrace the practice of prayer, and live authentically in the support of our communities of faith.

Care Groups
   Small Group

Contact Info: Please use our Contact Us to assist finding a group

Churches use all sorts of names for small groups—life groups, growth groups, home groups, cell groups. They also use various models, numerous strategies for connection, various plans for assimilation, and church-specific vision and goals for their group ministries. Yet all would agree that small groups are a means to an end, not an end in and of themselves. Small groups exist as a way for people to engage in biblical community that helps them become more like Jesus in every area of their lives. We are looking to get small groups started in our church and they help to not only bring a community of believers closer together, but it also helps to being our community closer to God.

Spiritual Formation

Meeting Info: Every Sunday 8:30am, Church campus - Room varies by age group.

All are welcome to participate in Sunday Morning Spiritual Formation (aka “Sunday School”) each week. Zion offers groups that span every stage of life and encompass various points along the spiritual journey. Classes meet at 8:30 AM and members will be more than happy to get you headed in the right direction. We hope you will join us as we deepen our relationships with God and one another!